December in the UK is often a time to hibernate: moving plants to the green house; putting the cover on the car; closing the curtains and curling up by the fire. Venturing outside should be reserved to emergencies only (god forbid we run out of tea and mince pies).
That said, there are some hardy folk who say tea is best served outside and classics cars are there to be used and enjoyed - all year round.
Loading up the Landy with family and wet weather gear, we set off early for a little local gathering I'd been tipped off about, near Winchester. After our 40 minute cross-country drive (journey time may vary, based on choice of vehicle!) we pull up in front of the thatched barn of Winchester Auto Barn & Drivers Club.
We're met with a welcoming crowd of like-minded folk, sipping coffee with bacon rolls in hand, surrounded by some choice metal from bygone eras of motoring. The set-up is modest, but with grand plans for expansion, including further space for events, a cafe and of course the accommodation of more classic cars.
I'll certainly be returning for future events - this is definitely one to keep on your watch list!